
Sunday, 30 December 2012

U-Kare 250 and U-Kare 375 intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices are amongst the oldest devices that exist in the market of contraceptive methods that are used by man since the turn of the last century. The device has undergone a lot of changes from the time it first hit the market.

The U Kare  250 sleek is an intrauterine device that has been designed to afford the best of experience to women who choose the U Kare 250 sleek. When you have to either space your next child or put off the decision to have a child for a time when you have the best that you can put aside both financially as well as the time that is required to raise a child.

The U Kare 250 sleek is a specially designed IUD that is small in size and is ideal for the women who are looking to plan their families by putting off the decision to have a child by three years. One of the best things that the sleek affords you is the fact that it has a better rate of compliance when compared to other intrauterine devices. Moreover, this particular IUD has a design that inhibits bleeding which in itself is a feature that can score more brownie points for this product.

The U Kare 375 sleek is a specially designed IUD and is being launched in India for the first time. This is a U shaped IUD and is considered a better option for women who want to put off having a child for upto five years.

In fact, the best thing that can make the above intrauterine devices most desirable to all women desiring to postpone having children is the fact that because of their small size, it has been deemed to be fit to be used even on nulliparous women. Additionally, couples who are planning to put off having their first baby for economic or other considerations, can consider this option as ideal for the short term.

U-Kare contraceptives in India

When it comes to contraceptives, there is one name that comes to the mind because of the company’s relentless and untiring efforts in the field of population and birth control. The name DKT India has over the years become synonymous with birth control. You can see a variety of products that we have in the market, which ranges from male condoms to oral contraceptive pills and injectable contraceptives to intra uterine devices.

Dkt India has been active in the business of birth control since the year 1988 when we started operations in just two states of India, Gujarat and Maharashtra. However, we have spread their reach to almost all the corners of the country within the last twenty plus years that we have been active in India. We have a range of products in the intrauterine or the IUD segment which helps us target the different types of women in the society. After all, we know that no two women are exactly alike in their preferences as well their physical structures.

U Kare is a range of products that have a unique set of features which are higher rates of compliance, which makes it a device that has a lower rate of expulsion when compared to other products that are available in the market.

It is because of this low rate of expulsion and combined with higher rates of compliance to standards as well as the physical health of the user that makes it one of the most preferred devices of contraception that can be used by women across all age groups and physical characteristics. In fact, we have seen that the U Kare product range is also well suited to nulliparous women, who may have a smaller vaginal cavity that makes it difficult for insertion of other IUDs that are available in the market.

Friday, 28 December 2012

U-Kare IUDs In India

One of the first names that come to our mind when we think of family planning and the companies that are active in it is DKT India. The reason for this being the kind and amount of work that this company has been carrying out since we launched in India.

We have been working relentlessly for the last more than twenty years towards this end. With a clear focus on the big picture of population control, we have introduced a range of products which are aimed at preventing as well as spacing the birth of the consequent children in a family.

Although we take pride in the fact that we are involved in this mammoth project and do not crave media attention, it is a matter of great pride that we have always been seen as the forerunners in the field of birth control and prevention of unwanted pregnancies, which has helped people to relate the name of DKT India with what is our forte, population control and education about IUD which is amongst the safest methods of contraception, even though it has been relegated to the back burners and other methods of contraception are being used more.

The IUD has a host of benefits that has the potential to make this the most preferred contraceptive method over other methods like male and female condoms, oral contraceptive pills or injectable contraceptives. All these methods need a constant monitoring on the part of the woman using them. However, with the IUD, all that the woman needs to worry about is the first few days when the IUD could be expelled by the body. However, with the newer versions of the intrauterine devices, even expulsions are reduced to a negligible number. 

Another advantage that the IUD has over other methods of contraception is that the copper IUD can stay in the body of the woman for a maximum of ten years. It is this aspect that makes it the most inexpensive methods of contraception, when compared to other methods that need constant monitoring and a fixed schedule, which in these times of busy lifestyles can be a daunting task for many women.

In spite of a huge density of population, the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, West Bengal, Assam and Andhra Pradesh have a usage factor of contraceptives that is lowest amongst all the states in India. DKT India launched Project Kare in these states two years ago, which has been seeing positive results in terms of growth of the number of users of the IUD. It has managed to sell more than 27000 IUDs and more than 200,000 units of mifepristone and misoprostol. In Mumbai, we have used real life TV advertising which we feel is a very effective way of spreading awareness about the IUD in the long run.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

U-Kare for the young woman in you / U-Kare for every woman

One of the worst things that can happen to any new product that is introduced in the market or may have been around for many years is the existence of an unlimited source of misconceptions and misunderstandings that keep doing the rounds. It is the same with the Intrauterine device or the IUD. One of the earlier models, the Dalkon Shield, which was introduced in the market, had to be taken off the market by the manufacturers within three to four years of its introduction in the market. One of the reasons that contributed to the downfall of the first IUD was the higher incidence of deaths due to septic miscarriages.

However, the new age IUD is something that has all the right reasons for women all over the world to reinstate their faith in the IUD. Some of the reasons that can score well for the IUD with regards to women across all ages are enumerated below:

  • The IUD is a one-time insertion remedy as against the birth control pill that has to be taken at the same time every day.  Nor does it have to be put in like some other forms of contraceptives. Once successfully inserted and the initial precautions taken care of, it can remain in place for a maximum of ten years. Although the initial cost of the operation and the device itself is high, the investment seems worthwhile because of the time that it remains inside the uterus.
  • The IUD it seems, is the best form of contraception because it is simple to use, long lasting, free of hormones, economical and last but not the least is reversible. In fact, the IUD is a contraceptive device that has its own set of advantages for women that are in different age groups and in different stages of life with their own unique set of challenges that come up at those stages in life.
  • For the women in their thirties, with their lives revolving around their careers and making a mark in the world, they do not have the time to pop the pills at the same time every day. For such women, the IUD is more than a convenience. It is something that they can have inserted and then forget it for the next 5 or 10 years.
  • For women in their forties, after they have settled down and family life is on auto pilot with life settled to a steady and regular pace, they can have the IUD inserted and forget the worrying till they attain menopause. Although there are chances as well as documented evidences of women delivering a child even at the age of sixty, these instances are rare. Hence, the IUD is a device that is of the utmost convenience to women of all age groups and all stages of life.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Debunking myths and misconception about IUD

The success and effectiveness of any newly introduced phenomenon, idea or a new product is dependent on the level of acceptance by the general public. It stands true for even a product that has been in the market for quite some. Well, for the products related to health, the benchmark is the acceptance by doctors and health workers that have to administer the product.

However, their acceptance levels are in turn influenced by external factors like visibility and internal factors like inhibitions which possibly be based on their own experiences or have seen or heard from other doctors and their own patients. It is certainly highly recommended that these doctors and health workers keep themselves updated with the innovations that are introduced on a regular basis. For a reproductive health product like IUD, this thumb rule stands quite applicable because of the consistent research that goes on into innovating an existing product which minimizes risks and maximizes pleasure when using the product. In spite of these efforts, there are numerous myths that are floating around.

Below are some of the myths that have been around for some time and the answers that can debunk them based on scientific reasoning and past experience.

One of the myths that women have in mind is that they cannot use the IUD once they have had children. The fact that overrides this myth is that the IUD is a contraceptive option that can be used by women of all ages irrespective of marital status and even if they are nulliparous.

Another myth that makes rounds frequently is that once a woman is fitted with an IUD, she loses her capacity to be pregnant permanently. In fact the IUD is completely reversible and the woman can immediately plan on becoming pregnant after having the IUD removed by the doctor or healthcare worker. One of the grounds for this myth could have its roots in the fact that it is a long term means of prevention of pregnancy, which can prevent pregnancy for up to ten years.

One of the myths surrounding IUD is about the device causing pain during sex. Well, there could have been a possibility of the pain erupting and cause discomfort to the woman who had it inserted. However, lately it has been observed that when the women abstain from sex for the first 48 hours, the body has the time to adjust to the foreign body being present. Once the window of 48 hours has passed, it is considered safe to have sex and that there is no pain felt by the woman.

Another myth is that it is unsafe to the woman’s health. On the contrary, it is observed that there is a chance that is less than 2% of the woman contracting a serious complication when IUD is inserted. However, there are certain pre-existing health conditions that can render it unsafe for the woman. Hence, it is advisable to consult a doctor before going for the IUD insertion.

Monday, 17 December 2012

U-Kare - the most widely used reversible contraceptive method

One of the flip sides of getting into a relationship, whether legitimate or illegitimate is the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancy can be of two types. However, without getting into the more controversial type of the unwanted pregnancy, it would be wise to concentrate on a pregnancy that is still within the realms of the legitimacy that society recognizes.

In spite of an institutionalized relationship, there are certain other constraints that a couple will have to consider when they are expecting to start a family or to have an extension to their family. In a country like India, there are a lot of factors that contribute to contraception. There are reasons pertaining to economic conditions of the family. This is one of the prime factors that contribute to a continued need for contraception. However, it is so ironical that the poorer sections of the society welcome new additions to the family more whole- heartedly than the ones who are better off economically.

Talking of contraception that is used in countries like India, where the society is pre dominantly male dominated, the most popular and widespread form of contraception is the male condom. However, the condoms that are used by males have their own downsides. One of the premier disadvantages is the rupturing of the material. Although the material is tested thoroughly, there are rare chances of the condom developing a hole that can allow the sperm to fertilize an egg in the ovary.

Vasectomy by males is a method that is not widely accepted means of contraception due to a whole lot of social stigma attached to the procedure and hence it is carried out with a promise of obscurity and secrecy. In such a case, it is left to the female in the relationship to take the decision to use a contraceptive that is not only safe and foolproof but also reversible.

U-Kare is by far the best option for such couples. This is because of the many advantages that it has over the other methods of contraception that are discussed above. The IUD is an effective method of contraception because of the many advantages that it has. Starting from being convenient to use to being economical in the long run, although the immediate cost could be reasonably high.  Another major advantage that the IUD has is that once placed securely in the uterus of the woman, it remains in place for the full duration of ten years as long as it is not expelled by the body in the initial stages of insertion.